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I'm surpised nobody pointed out the influence of "Horror Tales : The Wine"


Hey, I fell in love with your game. I'm an art lover and like to paint, and if you're not an artist/painter yourself you must be a fan. I enjoyed the color palettes, blending, and the thoughtful way the backgrounds became less detailed in the distance, like a master painting. If that was unintentional then you're a natural. Never felt too pixelated/game-like. Thanks for creating this with such love :)

Not sure if there's a glitch at the end but it was OK. Again, thanks!

Thank you! 


Very nice environments. The colors and pixelation were really well done!


Loved the vibes, I Definitely would play a longer version of it. 


Had no clue what the heck I was getting myself into when I was walking around the peaceful city of Muse. Forgot it was a horror game at one point! But the soundtrack and visuals where stunning and relaxing to watch/listen to. Than things lets just say take a turn for the worst! Short but sweet experience, I think its worth a shot to play.

J'ai bien aimé cette courte balade faite avec Modular Seaside Town.

La fin est brutale, on dirait un bug.


Really loved the atmosphere and the city itself! The metaphors and everything were really good. Only wished there were more about the 'goddess.'

(2 edits) (+8)

I like the game, and I’d really like to recommend it. But two things that leave a less than professional impression need to be fixed.

Here’s my advice:

First, don’t let the game crash back to the desktop the nanosecond it’s finished. Second, give credit for the assets you used—all of them, the town, the statue, the music. If you wrote and performed the music yourself, credit yourself. None of that takes away from your creative work. And you should always give everyone their due, regardless whether you sell the game or give it away for free.


I played your game in my video - 5:58 - 


A beautiful game. Had fun testing it.


We are excited to discuss City of Muse on Indie Game Club! Indie Game Club is like a book club, but for indie games!



I thought the game was beautiful, atmospheric, and was cool to play. Great job on it!


Loved the atmosphere, great synergy between visuals and music ! 


Such a great atmosphere and beautiful architecture! I wish I can spent more time in this city.
I guess this is some kind of Cloud Gardens prequel :-)
It's a pity that the game just exit at the end - first time I was afraid that something wrong with my computer :(


Lovely work overall! The overgrown cityscape with industrial, Gothic, and modern architecture, the gentle guiding using well-positioned lights and landmarks, careful use of minimal sound, and the surprising and intense ending. Dread in my stomach as I realized I didn't need to move toward the was moving towards me! Looking forward to more great work from you in the future :)


Is this literally a Dishonored 2 asset flip?

Deleted 3 years ago

Seeing as the whole game relies on the city assets, you could at least credit the people who made them (, especially if you got it during the "free for a month" period


100% agree with mdonze on this. Just feels icky to ask for any money from this, since it's basically just a 'Quake/Unreal' style level mod. Even the angel statue is from the Infinity Blade assets...

More information crediting where the assets came from should be included in the description.


The visual style is so unique, somehow both feels high definition and retro at the same time. There is a "softness" to the whole thing.


This game is really unique. The atmosphere is great, the visuals are amazing, and the weird sensation that it gives... like you just died. The synopses feels like it doesn't match what I just played though. I would love to see a full version of it. With more explanation for everything. The universe seems really interesting for it. 


Incredible game! I really resonated with it at first, although the ending...

Anyways. Definitely a 10/10 game from me, loved it!


I absolutely loved the atmosphere of the game! It all looked so aestetically pleasing and it just... feels right. The sounds fit the vibe so incredibly well too. I just had absolutely no clue what happened at the end there hahaha. For some reason I couldn't see anything? I kept trying to walk and look around, but it didn't do anything... However, I've seen other people's endings and all in all a really well made game!! ;D


Wow, thanks for checking the game out!
Sorry for weird bug at the end, this wasn't really intended :D


The atmosphere oh my goodness... It was so beautiful and amazing that I could cry! To me there's nothing horror about this game. Everything is just so beautiful, the first part when we're exploring, but also the end when we meet her, and fulfill our destiny :)


I liked the game, it has a very interesting aesthetic. In my opinion, you could increase his longevity by adding collectible items, which could enable other endings, and increase the exploitation factor. Kudos to you and keep it up.


I absolutley loved the visual style of this game, and the contrast between the two "worlds."

As I tend to do, I ended up breaking the game somehow and made it to the edge of the map, so I'm calling that the secret ending LOL.

Overall, this was a great experience! 


This is so pretty! I would absolutely love to get to explore it more!

Although the angel statue made me jump, I didn't realise it would be so big! 😅


incredible visuals and atmosphere, in both parts. out of curiosity, have you ever read his dark materials? the city reminds me a lot of cittàgazze from those books.

I haven't, but I will definitely check it out!


I really enjoyed this little short game I didn't think it was a horror game till the very end and it was very nice!


Pretty cool game, very different from the traditional horror. 

could use multiple endings.


Really interesting game. I liked exploring the city. I'd play a longer version if one were ever made. Great stuff :)!


An experience more than a game, a great experience indeed!


It's a really beautiful game and the first half sets up for a really nice contrast to what happens after you take the dive. Really enjoy the soft colour pallette and peaceful sounds, eerily comforting plus the city looks great in general! I don't know if it was my imagination but she sort of seemed to follow you with her eyes/head too just before the dive.

Gameplay if you're interested but it's probably better played: 

Thanks for  feedback!


Nice scenery

Thank you)





i dream of this art style. i need more

I will do similar things in future, they will be mostly about Cities


Great! Game gives dream-like experience.



Hi, I've made a video about the game and wanted to give you some feedback about it :D, hopefully it's useful to you :)

-The main idea of the game looks quite interesting and I would have love a little bit more of context/history in the game as it felt quite short. I really would like to play a longer version of the game :)

-Simple mechanics that work perfectly as they are what the game needs.

-Adding some extra locations to visit on the city would have been awesome as a lot of them could be easily my wallpaper, there are some pretty beautiful ones being honest.

-The visual style is quite interesting and it gives the game a lot of personality making it feel outstanding.

In conclusion, the idea is great and I hope you use what you have done well in this project to make a bigger version of it. Hopefully this is useful for you :D, also if you could subscribe that would help me a lot :)


Thanks for your feedback! Got a subscriber)

Thanks :D


Hello, I played this game and I really enjoyed it, the environment is very pretty, a couple of things I'd like to mention is that when you start the game it just drops you in so if there was a 'Play' button to start it then it'd be a bit more neat and also the ending was a bit abrupt so if there were some credits or something after that it'll make it better, over all I liked it, good work :)

Thank you, will add these features to my future games)


The atmosphere is breathtaking and beautiful



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